Iliyana's Blog

Performing Content and SEO Audit to Boost Your Website

[fa icon="calendar'] 30-Jul-2019 10:00:00 / by Binh An Nguyen posted in Inbound Marketing, Marketing

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This is a guest post written by Binh An Nguyen from Market Ease.

What do you do when your website’s performance becomes abysmal and your ranking on Google starts sinking?

Whenever my client comes to me saying his or her website is suddenly performing poorly, or dipping in recent months, I’ll tell them that it’s time for a comprehensive audit.

An audit is a diagnostic analysis of your website’s health, specifically in the content and SEO aspects.

There are many steps involved in a website audit, but all it takes is a bit an analytical mind, and a bit of time on your hands.

I’m going to show you a simple way to do your audit, including some free online tools that can help you get the job done.  Let’s dive in!

Why you need an audit

If you wish to have any hope of putting your website on the first page of Google, then you’ll need to make sure your website’s content is as optimised as it can be.

Because the internet is an ever-changing landscape, a routine audit can help in:

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17 Learnings from the 2019 Internet Trends Report by Mary Meeker

[fa icon="calendar'] 03-Jul-2019 10:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Marketing, Technology

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Mary Meeker's 2019 Internet Trends report is out. 

333 pages full of insights around internet users and usage, e-commerce, advertising, work, education, freemium business models and more.

It's pretty detailed and there's so much to learn.

I've gone through the whole report and wanted to share some of the things that stood out to me. 

Before I go into the facts and learnings, I want to share this quote which I believe is very relevant to today's business and consumer reality, and specifically, businesses need to pay serious attention to this because few are living and breathing this: 

The rapid rise of gathered / analyzed digital data is often core to the holistic success of the fastest growing & most successful companies of our time around the world. Context-rich data can help businesses provide consumers with increasingly personalized products & services that can often be obtained at lower prices & delivered more efficiently. This, in turn, can drive higher customer satisfaction. Better data-driven tools can improve the ability for consumers to communicate directly & indirectly with businesses & regulators.

Now onto the learnings.

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5 Key Takeaways for Getting Start-ups Off the Ground

[fa icon="calendar'] 11-Jun-2019 10:00:00 / by Liuda Nebozhak posted in Public Relations, Marketing, Brands and Business

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This is a guest post by Liuda Nebozhak from Crello.

Every start-up undergoes some trial and error in its first 1-2 years. Those are probably some of the most difficult and crucial learnings of any new business. 

There's a ton start-ups need to figure out, including their own PR and marketing. PR especially plays a key role because as a start-up nobody knows you and you need to get the word out about your existence, your products and the new value that you add in the market. 

Our company Crello - which offers a design tool specifically for marketers and bloggers - has gone through multiple trials and errors but we've learned a lot.

We recently announced and celebrated reaching the major milestone of 1 million users over the course of just 20 months.  However, it took us some time to find our product-market fit and we are continuing to tweak it to this day. Along the way, we are leveraging our product development with the help of PR, brand ambassadors, and market research, amongst others.

Below are my 5 key takeaways for getting your start-up off the ground.

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Getting Started with AI for Marketing and PR Agencies

[fa icon="calendar'] 21-May-2019 12:52:20 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Public Relations, Marketing, Technology, Inbound PR

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AI or Artificial Intelligence has definitely become one of the most popular buzzwords in marketing and PR over the last few years. 

Most marketing and PR pros haven't yet figured out the implications of AI in their jobs and there seems to be this misunderstanding that AI will replace the human. 

In fact, according to a recent report automation threatens a quarter of marketing and PR jobs.  

I don't believe this to be true. AI to me is an enabler, just as technology is. You still need a human's brain to discover and analyse problems, identify solutions and connect the dots between the human and the AI work through the best choice of tools. 

AI might diminish the need for certain tasks to be performed by a human but then this frees the human to work on the more important and strategic stuff and should be seen as an opportunity, as a challenge to develop new and better skills. 

These are exciting times for marketing and PR pros and agencies.

I've been reading a lot about AI recently and I want to share with you a compilation of blog posts and videos that apply to marketing and PR agencies. 

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Lights, Camera, Action: How Video Can Boost Your Inbound PR Strategy

[fa icon="calendar'] 14-May-2019 10:00:00 / by Simon Cliffe posted in Marketing, Inbound PR

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This is a guest post by Simon Cliffe from Branch Road.

Recently my wife tasked me with booking the family summer holiday. I have a 40-minute train journey into work, so a perfect window for doing research.

Typing ‘family summer holiday’ into Google, I was bombarded by zillions of search results recommending holidays from Costa Brava, to Malta, Crete, Mexico and so many more.

After five minutes of flicking through the various web pages, I felt overwhelmed and confused. Then for the rest of the day, I was followed around by an online advert trying to convince me to book a cruise.  

Sound familiar? 

For consumers, the colossal amount of content, PR and marketing messages out there can be quite a turn off. We’re busy people and we don’t have time to sift through it all. For brands, cutting through the data deluge and attracting our attention in a meaningful way, has become a real challenge. So, how do you do it?

The power of video storytelling

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