Today many of us are addicted to constantly being available and reachable, mobile or online.
I admit I can’t live without my laptop, phone and the Internet, I feel naked without them, I absolutely get frustrated and angry and start wondering what’s going on on the net without me and what I’m missing – an important mail or a fun message.
Does that sound familiar? Come on, admit it, I bet it does! How long do you think you could survive without your so beloved laptop or phone? I'll tell you how long I made it – one and a half days. That’s all.
Last week I went for a brief holiday back to Germany to visit my friends and to relax a little bit, because the past few months were extremely stressful and I certainly needed a break. Of course, I also missed my girls a lot, who I haven’t seen for almost a year! As much as I enjoyed my stay, I had a sort of a rough beginning.