Iliyana's Blog

The Difference Between Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence

[fa icon="calendar'] 06-Jun-2024 07:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Personal Development, Career, Leadership, Growth

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In today's fast-paced and interconnected business environment, technical skills alone are no longer sufficient for achieving success. The ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and effectively manage emotions has become more crucial than ever and I feel it every day in my work. This is where emotional and social intelligence come into play.

Understanding and leveraging these forms of intelligence can significantly enhance your ability to lead, collaborate, and drive business success.

Emotional intelligence (EI) and social intelligence (SI) are related concepts that both involve understanding and managing emotions but they focus on different aspects of interpersonal skills.

We delved into the power of social intelligence a few months back but today I want to go into the differences between emotional and social intelligence, and more importantly, provide actionable tips on how to leverage each in a business context.

By cultivating these skills, you can improve your interactions with colleagues and clients, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately, boost your career success. These skills can also help you in your personal life.

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My 3 Non-Negotiables for Peak Performance in Work and Life

[fa icon="calendar'] 05-Feb-2024 20:24:50 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Personal Development, Growth

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Many people ask me how I remain this productive in a job that's full of last-minute urgencies and constant changes?

My answer is simple, I have three non-negotiables to keep a high performance at work and in my private life and they have nothing to do with work itself. All three are about something very foundational - my body and ensuring it functions at its peak. 

I've spent years nurturing three key habits to ensure I can perform at high and quick speeds: exercise, nourishing food and sleep. These three have been and still are the best decisions I make every day. 

My 3 Non-Negotiables for Peak Performance In Work and Life

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The Four Management Zones in the Age of Disruption

[fa icon="calendar'] 11-Apr-2022 14:01:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Brands and Business, Growth

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I was recently made aware of a book called "Zone to Win" and having just watched a video summarising the key points, I found it fascinating.

It's not just about why established companies struggle to embrace disruptive innovation but about how they can do it. 

Even though I have not yet read the book, I thought it would be helpful to share some of the key points with you as they can be an eye-opener. 

The author, Geoffrey Moore, argues that companies struggle with disruption because of internal issues. Having worked in different types of industries and different organizational sizes, I can definitely agree. Internal processes and challenges stall innovation. Companies get too bogged down into fixing things rather than innovating and changing.  

To resolve such issues, the book says organisations need to segment the enterprise into distinct management zones, each with its own methods and metrics.

These zones are also aligned with the strategic horizons of the company - a model defined by McKinsey around annual planning of investments and resources and when you get a return on them. 

The Three Investment Horizons

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