Iliyana's Blog

Unlocking the Power of AI to Transform Your Marketing Strategy

[fa icon="calendar'] 19-Jun-2024 07:15:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Content Marketing, Artificial Intelligence

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The marketing world has been significantly transformed by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). With AI's ability to streamline processes, enhance personalisation, and boost content quality, savvy marketers are leveraging its power to stay ahead of the curve. 

I use AI every day for various content marketing activities and I save at least double the time if not more thanks to Gen AI these days and especially ChatGPT that I am a huge fan of not just for content creation but also for research, ideas generation and advice. 

I recently came across a research by HubSpot called the "AI Trends for Marketers" and wanted to share its key learnings. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of how AI is reshaping marketing strategies and operations as well gives practical tips to help marketers leverage AI effectively.

Key AI Trends for Marketers

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Disrupt or Be Disrupted [Video]

[fa icon="calendar'] 23-Nov-2021 12:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Technology

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Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at the Digital Marketing Transformation e-Conference on the topic of Disrupt or Be Disrupted. 

It's been a while since I've done some public speaking and even though it was all online due to COVID-19, I loved it. I realised how much I miss it and how energised I feel by the audience and by the opportunity to share what I know. 

I'm a firm believer that knowledge is to be spread and not kept. That's why I am always thrilled when an opportunity to present arises and I jump on it right away. 

In the spirit of sharing, I want to make the video of my talk available to you so if you're curious to hear about digital disruption in marketing and in business in general, take a look at my presentation below. 

I cover four areas, bringing my experience from HubSpot and Cisco: 

  1. technological transformation 
  2. digital disruption 
  3. business models 
  4. specific activities you can take

I hope you enjoy the video! 

Disrupt or Be Disrupted [Video]

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Top 10 Content Marketing Trends for 2020 [Infographic]

[fa icon="calendar'] 24-Jan-2020 09:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Public Relations, Marketing, Content Marketing

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2020 is here and I hope you are excited and ready for it. 

I also hope you've got your goals set up and if you work in marketing or PR, you have your work goals as well. 

But to achieve those professional goals, you'll have to be aware of what's going on in the industry and consider what might make your job easier or more difficult, what could be an opportunity or a thread. 

Threads especially must be considered early as these are risk factors that can ruin your efforts. 

So what should you expect in the world of content marketing in 2020? 

Quite a few exciting things. And some pretty logical focus areas. 

I've picked out three key trends that in my opinion are crucial and you can check out the other seven in a nice infographic below.

Content Marketing Focus Areas in 2020:

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80+ Influencer Marketing Statistics [Infographic]

[fa icon="calendar'] 14-Nov-2019 09:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Public Relations, Marketing

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I've been doing some work on influencer marketing recently and specifically on why use it, best practices, examples etc.

I'm not going to go in the discussion around whether influencer marketing is the same thing as PR or not, whether it should be PR doing it or the marketing department. 

I'll just say that when I was working in a PR agency back 6-7 years ago, I was engaging a group of young beauty bloggers in a very similar fashion as influencer marketing preaches. 

Anyway, back to my research.  I've published a list of influencer marketing statistics before but I figured it's time to update that and share a new list that's more recent. 

So when I came across an infographic from smallbizgenius I knew I had found what I needed. 

It's a long and detailed infographic with more than 80 influencer marketing statistics. 

You can check out the infographic below but first, here are the stats that got my attention:

10 Top Influencer Marketing Stats:

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9 Tips To Improve Your Blog’s SEO Structure

[fa icon="calendar'] 15-Aug-2019 15:13:47 / by Paul Teitelman posted in Marketing, Blogging

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Continuing the SEO series, this is a guest post by SEO consultant Paul Teitelman

Blogging has evolved from a niche option to the standard of content marketing across just about every web niche you can think of, but this serves as a bit of a double-edged sword.

The popularity of blogging means that it’s very subject to diminishing returns, and perhaps nothing illustrates this better than SEO. With every single new blog that pops up, that’s a new piece of competition when it comes to getting eyes on your content through Google.

The key way to stand apart here is through making sure that you take the time not just to follow trends, but to make sure you have a fundamentally sound strategy for your SEO content.

So, whether you are putting together an editorial calendar for your own content or preparing some guidelines before hiring an outside content marketing service, here are some of the things you can do to help the SEO structure of your blog develop.

9 Tips to Improve Your Blog's SEO Structure

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