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Iliyana Stareva Interview for Elysium Part 1
Iliyana Stareva Interview for Elysium Part 2

The Latest Posts from Iliyana's Blog

Building a Successful Partner Reselling Model in SaaS: Latest Research and Trends

Building a Successful Partner Reselling Model in SaaS: Latest Research and Trends

The Software as a Service (SaaS) industry has been growing exponentially, driven by the increasing demand for cloud-based solutions and the shift towards digital transformation across industries. I've been working in SaaS for just about 10 years now...

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Self-Discovery in Leadership: The Importance of Locating Yourself

Self-Discovery in Leadership: The Importance of Locating Yourself

In the world of leadership, where the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others is paramount, the skill of leading with consciousness and intentionality becomes a defining attribute that distinguishes exceptional leaders from the rest. I face...

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Key Learnings and Actionable Tips from "Millionaire Success Habits"

Key Learnings and Actionable Tips from

Is there anyone who doesn't want to be a millionaire? I doubt it. We all want financial security but achieving financial freedom is far more desired by many because it provides the ultimate flexibility and peace of mind, allowing individuals to live...

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