Iliyana's Blog

Unlocking the Power of AI to Transform Your Marketing Strategy

[fa icon="calendar'] 19-Jun-2024 07:15:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Content Marketing, Artificial Intelligence

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The marketing world has been significantly transformed by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). With AI's ability to streamline processes, enhance personalisation, and boost content quality, savvy marketers are leveraging its power to stay ahead of the curve. 

I use AI every day for various content marketing activities and I save at least double the time if not more thanks to Gen AI these days and especially ChatGPT that I am a huge fan of not just for content creation but also for research, ideas generation and advice. 

I recently came across a research by HubSpot called the "AI Trends for Marketers" and wanted to share its key learnings. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of how AI is reshaping marketing strategies and operations as well gives practical tips to help marketers leverage AI effectively.

Key AI Trends for Marketers

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Disrupt or Be Disrupted [Video]

[fa icon="calendar'] 23-Nov-2021 12:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Technology

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Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at the Digital Marketing Transformation e-Conference on the topic of Disrupt or Be Disrupted. 

It's been a while since I've done some public speaking and even though it was all online due to COVID-19, I loved it. I realised how much I miss it and how energised I feel by the audience and by the opportunity to share what I know. 

I'm a firm believer that knowledge is to be spread and not kept. That's why I am always thrilled when an opportunity to present arises and I jump on it right away. 

In the spirit of sharing, I want to make the video of my talk available to you so if you're curious to hear about digital disruption in marketing and in business in general, take a look at my presentation below. 

I cover four areas, bringing my experience from HubSpot and Cisco: 

  1. technological transformation 
  2. digital disruption 
  3. business models 
  4. specific activities you can take

I hope you enjoy the video! 

Disrupt or Be Disrupted [Video]

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The 5 Key Elements of a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

[fa icon="calendar'] 19-Aug-2020 12:00:00 / by Andriana Moskovska posted in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing

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This is a guest post written by Andriana Moskovska

Over the years, content marketing has proven to be a valuable tool for businesses. It turns out that 88% of marketers use content marketing for their marketing strategies. This figure may sound promising, but did you know that 63% of businesses don’t have a documented content marketing strategy?

We often hear the phrase “content is king,” which is true. But the question is, how do we run a successful content marketing campaign that will actually stand out?

The first step in achieving this is to create a marketing plan. When your plan is all set up and ready to go, then you can take the first step in achieving your goals.

Over the years, experience has taught me that without a strategy, success is just a matter of good luck. On the other hand, with a good strategy, you will be taking less risk, and your efforts won’t go to waste.

Here are the five things you need to consider for a successful content marketing strategy.

5 Key Elements of a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

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5 Proven Strategies to Generate Leads in SaaS

[fa icon="calendar'] 23-Apr-2020 09:00:00 / by Edyta Kowal posted in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing

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This is a guest post by Edyta Kowal.

The temptation to deliver as many leads as possible can be very strong on the part of marketing teams. But at the same time damaging. After all, it’s all about inspiring the customer to visit the store and make a purchase, and not just browse around and leave empty-handed without even exchanging a single word with the sales assistant.

One marketing buzz term we’ve all been hearing over and over again is optimisation. We optimise costs, methods, and procedures to save time and money. Then why is it so easy to fall into the trap of only looking at the number of leads and not their quality? After all, busted budgets, Sales resources, and even brand image are at stake.

Let me talk to you about my top strategies for generating leads in SaaS (and not only). 

5 Proven Strategies for Generating Leads in SaaS

#1. Define who you are speaking to

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How Inbound PR Came About

[fa icon="calendar'] 27-Aug-2019 10:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Public Relations, Inbound Marketing, Inbound PR

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Do you remember the days when Twitter had just come out and people were trying to figure out how to use it for business?

I do. In fact, I became fascinated with social media for business. I was still a student but I could already see the massive shifts happening in the communications world.

Even though I studied International Business, my passion for comms made me follow big names such as Brian Solis and David Meerman Scott who were pioneers in how to do PR the modern way.

And so I decided to pursue a career in PR. I read every book on PR that I could get my hands on, I interned in PR and I worked part-time in a PR agency during my final year at university.

I tried to learn everything I could.

I did everything - I wrote press releases, I pitched national and regional media through email and cold calls, I worked with bloggers, I managed social media channels.

It was great. I learned a lot.

But I could see that even though I worked so hard and my agency team did too, we were basically just slaves in the eyes of the client. They didn’t consider us strategic advisers. We were just implementers and every time we tried to convince the client to do something new, it was close to impossible.

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