Iliyana's Blog

Storytelling 101: How to Tell Break Through Stories [Infographic]

[fa icon="calendar'] 24-Oct-2017 10:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Public Relations, Storytelling, Inbound Marketing, Inbound PR

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Did you know that messages delivered through a story can be up to 22 times more memorable than just facts

I'd say no wonder given that stories provoke emotions, refer to our own experiences (when planned and told well) and so engage our subconscious minds. 

In our information, channels and apps overload era, that's a pretty significant number for businesses to consider when they are trying to engage with consumers or any other stakeholder group. Good stories can clearly sell. 

A lot of companies jumped on the bandwagon of storytelling or should I say on content creation as we saw the benefits in terms of SEO and user engagement.

But as the mass of content grew bigger and our attention spans got shorter, that focus on quantity versus quality is not doing you a favour anymore. 

What businesses, PR and marketing professionals alike need are fewer, but better stories that can capture hearts and minds at scale. 

We call this break through storytelling that can cut through the noise. 

Planning for this is easier than executing on it so let me help you with that. 

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How to Tell a Great Story: The Science and The Method

[fa icon="calendar'] 25-Jul-2017 09:30:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Storytelling, Blogging, Inbound PR

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Studies have shown that our brains are more engaged by storytelling rather than hard facts, sometimes by up to 22 times. 

In content marketing, telling stories has become a more and more sought out method. 

That's because making a personal connection rather than pushy sales and marketing tactics works better when you want to generate new business or engage your customers.

Not to mention that in our information overload era your biggest struggle as a marketer is the fight for attention. There's too much noise out there. It's close to impossible to stand out, especially when people's attention spans are shorter than those of a gold fish - only 8 seconds... 

Creating break through stories, though, is both an art and a science. You need the science and the data to tell you what your strategy should be around storytelling in terms of narratives and content types, and you need the art to be able to craft a storyline that sticks. 

We'll look at both today. 

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5 Effective Business Storytelling Techniques You Need to Try Now

[fa icon="calendar'] 16-May-2017 09:00:00 / by Belle Balace posted in Storytelling

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This is a guest post by Belle Ballace

Did you know that seventeen films with the word "story" in their titles have won Oscars?

From the movies to your business, storytelling is one of today’s most powerful content marketing tools.

And no wonder. Storytelling provokes emotions and creates a connection between companies and their audience in a way that no simple ad can.

Moreover, it’s not all about the company and showcasing their products or services.

Storytelling shows real life experiences that we all can relate to as individuals, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues etc.

Creating such a connection is what makes brand stories unforgettable and successful because they manage to catch your heart or mind. And if you can't catch people's hearts or minds, they are not going to pay attention to you. 

Crafting a compelling story is an art and with some appropriate techniques it can be mastered. 

5 Effective Business Storytelling Technique You Need to Try Now

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What Really Makes a Good Story?

[fa icon="calendar'] 06-Sep-2016 10:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Storytelling

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We speak a lot about storytelling nowadays.

It's become an important part of any marketing or communications initiative because we struggle to reach our audiences and keep their attention. There's way too much noise out there so standing out is almost impossible. 

Being able to tell good stories is what allows you to be seen and read, it's how you show up in the newsfeed. 

But telling a good story isn't easy. It's an art in itself. An art that when backed by a bit of science and practice can be mastered. 

So today I want to dig a little deeper into what actually makes a good story. What is that science-backed essence we need so that our storytelling stands out?

As it turns out, there are seven key things your story needs: 

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Agency Storytelling 101: The 6 Types of Stories Agencies Should be Telling [Infographic]

[fa icon="calendar'] 09-Aug-2016 09:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva posted in Storytelling, Agencies

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As a marketing agency consultant at HubSpot, I've so far worked with over 150 agencies. The one thing the majority of them struggle with is their own content. Yes, their own marketing.

I know, sometimes this does sound funny since that's exactly what these agencies offer to clients - marketing services . Surely, they should be able to be doing this for themselves, right? Yes, able they are. Not always committed, though. Why? Because client work comes first. And so does winning new business. 

But the most successful agencies I've worked with, have learned how to find the time for their own marketing and are nailing it. They experiment with their own stuff rather than with those for clients. Basically, they become their own best client. 

To get to this point is not impossible. You just need to treat yourself like a client. Get the goals, sign a retainer of activities, develop the marketing plan (including buyer personas, content plan and schedule) designate an account management, get this on a project management tool and then stick to it. Review, rinse and repeat. That's it. 

Okay, hold on a second, maybe it's not that simple. 

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