You already know about my love for great campaigns, and from the 2012 Google Analytics stats I can see that you love great campaigns too! So, here’s another really cool stunt, I’m sure you’ll be impressed with.
This time, it’s Sony who came up with a brilliant idea.
The action took place during the premier of the latest James Bond movie in Sweden. Sony decided to give people free sodas at the theatre entrance and then right before the movie began, actual drinks started ringing in the hands of the winners who discovered a brand new Sony waterproof Xperia acro S phone in their soda! What a creative giveaway! It sure managed to engage with the entire audience in the theatre and communicate the desired brand message, namely the launch of the new phone and its clear waterproof advantage over other mobile devices.
This campaign only shows that to be successful nowadays a campaign doesn’t necessarily have to focus on social media and new communications platforms, but can be just as effective offline if you find the right communication channel and timing, which in this example was the premier of such a popular movie at a cinema.
Indeed, the campaign generated a lot of positive word of mouth, especially where it was staged in Sweden, increasing awareness about the Sony brand and the new smartphone.