Iliyana's Blog

20 Remarkable Quotes from Brian Solis

[fa icon="calendar"] 26-Jun-2013 09:00:00 / by Iliyana Stareva

I don’t think I’ve told you Brain Solis quotethis before, but I am a big fan of Brian Solis. He is a well-known thought leader in the area of social media, communications, technology and business and I have so far learned a lot from him. I follow his blog and I’ve also read all of his books, apart from the latest one, which is on my reading list. I have quoted him a few times in previous posts, but now I thought I’d share with you my favourite Brian Solis quotes.

Here we go:

"Social media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism, one-to-many, to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers."

"Social media is less about technology and more about anthropology, sociology, and ethnography."

"The good thing about social media is it gives everyone a voice. The bad thing is … it gives everyone a voice."

"Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it."

"Businesses are no longer the sole creator of a brand; it is co-created by consumers through shared experiences and defined by the results of online searches and conversations."

"Each business is a victim of Digital Darwinism, the evolution of consumer behavior when society and technology evolve faster than the ability to exploit it. Digital Darwinism does not discriminate. Every business is threatened."

“Engage or Die!” Now it's clear that businesses must also “Adapt or Die!”

"The only way to understand new culture and behavior is to go native. Going native refers to the process of observing, learning, and deepening the involvement of an anthropologist with their hosts and their hosts’ cultures through long-term fieldwork and participation."

"To succeed in the business of the future, we have to become the very people we're trying to reach."

"Perspective is a gift nowadays."

"Meaningful connections are not driven by reciprocity; they're fortified in mutual value."

"Shared experiences are forms of social currency. People share things to show their friends that they're investing in the conversation. Shared experiences can be shaped and steered."

"Experiences shape experiences."

"The new social landscape is rich with emotion."

"Consumers build a trust zone around themselves to learn, help, and interact with trusted connections to make and steer decisions. Businesses must earn their way into the trust zone of social customers."

"The bottom line is that people are seeking answers and direction, not messages or sales pitches."

"Listening offers data. Hearing offers empathy and intelligence. Activity, action, and engagement steer perspective and encourage a sense of community and advocacy."

"Transparency is a genuine value proposition."

"Giving back is the new black."

"The businesses that aspire to a higher purpose will outperform businesses that focus on the bottom line. People aspire to be part of something bigger than themselves. Give them something to align with to create a sense of belonging. Give them something to talk about. Give them a reason to share experiences."


Which one is your favourite?


Topics: Social Media, Personal Development, Brands and Business

Iliyana Stareva

Written by Iliyana Stareva

Iliyana Stareva is the author of Inbound PR - the book that is transforming the PR industry. She's also a keynote speaker and a consultant in inbound and digital for fast-growing companies and agencies. Currently, Iliyana is Chief of Staff to the EMEA President at ServiceNow. Before that, she held global and EMEA-wide positions at Cisco and HubSpot. She is also certified by the PMI as a Project Management Professional (PMP)®. In her free time, you can find Iliyana writing for her blog, dancing salsa or travelling the world.

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