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8 Ways to Become a Rockstar Guest Blogger

Written by Christian Antonoff | 06-Apr-2015 06:00:00

Thanks to Christian Antonoff from Hop Online for this amazing guest piece! 

Guest blogging is like a game of cat and mouse. You’re always on the lookout for ways to publish your content.

Since Matt Cutts’ famous rant in January 2014, guest blogging has changed significantly. It’s gone from harvesting lots of links from mediocre sites to getting a few, but quality ones. Now more than ever, this practice is about quality over quantity, and if you don’t get it, you’re in for a trouble.

Guest blogging in 2015 is all about human to human connection, adding value, and empowering others.

How to Become a Rockstar Guest Blogger

So what do you need in order to be a successful guest blogger?

1. You Need to Dig In

Guest blogging is above all research. Knowledge is power, and that is especially true for us, guest bloggers.

From discovering relevant blogs to coming up with creative, relevant topics and getting to know your audience, you really can’t get away from sitting down at your desk and devoting quite a few hours to research.

If you’re a seasoned blogger, you know this all too well. No matter what your experience level, it’s imperative to research your industry/niche carefully before proceeding with the pitch.

Google should obviously be your first step, but I advise you not to limit yourself to this mega search engine. Searching within Twitter and Google+ using specific keywords can also yield surprising results.

2. Be Honest

Yes, of course this seems logical, but you’d be surprised how many people will tell you what you want to hear just to get that precious backlink.

One time, when I was pitching to a trucking website, the guy responsible for their content was nice enough to let me guest post, but he asked me exactly one question: “What’s in it for you?” I could’ve told him a dozen different lies, but I decided to be frank, and replied, “Just wanna get a backlink.”

Suicide, right? Well, after I explained that (a) he’ll get organic traffic and social media exposure totally for free, and (b) that I only require one tiny little link, the guy was more than happy to accept.

Bottom line, people are smart. Don’t lie to them. Emphasize the benefits of your guest posting on their site, but be open about your intentions even when it seems it could be in your disadvantage.

3. Responsiveness? Check.

Okay, so it’s a no brainer that you should be responsive, but I still feel like we have to talk about it.

Very often successful pitching requires more than a single email. Sometimes, people want to know more about you, your background, or the idea/article you’re about to pitch. And that might require a series of follow-up emails. Or an intense exchange of instant messages.

Always reply, and the faster you do it, the better. That spells commitment. People like that. Even after the pitch, send an email just to thank the person on the other end for the publishing. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

4. Become the Master Chef

That sounds a bit weird, I know. But here’s what I’m thinking — we’re constantly bombarded with information, and we’re fed up with marketing articles. So how do you get noticed? You have to offer unique content

That’s easier said than done. However, if you manage to craft something that doesn’t tell the same old story, but instead offers a fresh new perspective, then I guarantee you that people will notice.

And they’ll read your work, which of course will get you exposure and engagement. All you have to do is write. The more you write, the better you’ll get.

5. Stir up Conversation

To make a successful pitch, it helps if you get noticed first. But how you do that?

Easy — by engaging with the very people you want to notice you. Don’t just like or re-share something. Join the conversation by adding a meaningful comment. Voice your opinion, always in a respectful way.

Of course, one or two comments won’t do it, but if you’re persistent and proactive you will get noticed. This works great not only for Twitter, but for Google+ and LinkedIn.

6. Tools of the Trade

Giving likes here and there is all fine and dandy, but won’t do you much good if you don’t get an email address to pitch to.

Good marketers know that you have to have a few tricks up your sleeve if you want to be successful. There are awesome tools out there, which will make your life easier by providing you with vital information such as emails, social media accounts and much more.

It’s good to know if and when your emails are being opened, so start using an app like Yesware or Sidekick if you aren’t already.

Rapportive is another tool which I highly recommend. It lets you see the email and social media accounts of the person you’re pitching to.

Over time, you’ll build a sizeable database of bloggers and websites. To keep track of your relationships with each and every blogger or site I suggest using a tool like Buzzstream. Or, you can always just create your own spreadsheet (like I did), and jot down all contact info and email exchanges.

Either way, keeping track of your guest blogging progress is a must. Not doing it is a HUGE mistake that will cost you dearly.

7. Insert Yourself in the Right Conversation

So, you’ve got everything you need but don’t know where to guest blog?

Some of my best guest blogging opportunities started from Google search. If you know how and where to look, you’ll be able to find some really good websites willing to publish your post.

If you’re just starting out, make sure to get acquainted with these free sites:

Beyond searching for blogs themselves, another great strategy is to follow a successful blogger in your industry. Copy the URL of their author photo, run it in Google Image Search and voila! You’ll have a list of relevant blogs right at your fingertips.

Another nice way to land a backlink apart from guest blogging is Help A Reporter Out (HARO). By signing up, you’ll receive several notifications per day from people looking for specific information. If you’re fast enough and you write a brilliant response, you might land yourself a spot in a prestigious media outlet.

The possibilities are many and there’s no universal catch-all solution. It’s up to you to choose the best blogs for your aims.

8. Wordplay

Okay, so you laid your eyes on a specific person or site. Good. Now comes the hard part  — the pitch.

No matter how good your article is, if your pitch is lousy no one will ever accept it. So make sure it counts. 

First off, the subject line. A good subject line will make your job 50% easier. It’s what will make people open your email. So make it short and catchy. Even better if you use it to address the person directly.

Next comes the body of the email. Again, make it short, personal, and avoid promotion at all costs. Don’t talk about yourself. Instead, talk about what the other person will get, and how what you’re offering will benefit their website/blog. Pick your words carefully, so you don’t sound like a typical marketer trying to sell something.

Every word counts so choose carefully how you’d present yourself. Words are weapons in the marketer’s arsenal, and if used wisely can have a huge impact. Forget you, and focus on them. Always emphasize on what you’re giving, and you’ll be just fine.

Last Piece of Advice

Guest blogging requires significant amounts of effort. It’s both time consuming and unpredictable. But if you do it well, it can guarantee you solids results.

Also, if you make friends with the right people, you’ll get the much needed exposure you’re looking for. This will not only bring you traffic and engagement, but will build up your authority and influence as well. Maintain quality and consistency to achieve lasting results and you'll become a rockstar guest blogger.

Remember: get to know the people you want to publish your article, give them what they want, and they’ll become your most loyal supporters.

To get value, one must give value.


Looking to learn more about guest blogging, and how to achieve immediate results? Check out my free e-book, your personal Guide To Life, Love and Guest Blogging. Happy pitching!