Inbound PR | Marketing | Digital Transformation | Iliyana Stareva

10 Inbound PR Quotes

Written by Iliyana Stareva | 26-Jun-2018 08:00:00

"At the crux of the case for Inbound PR is the notion that in combining public relations with inbound methodology, public relations becomes highly relevant in the current and likely future states of the market. An Inbound PR shop will be able to measure the value of its services; it will be able to easily leverage all things digital; it will have the tools to establish itself as an authority in its field and to counsel clients in becoming the leading thinkers in their own respective industries."

The above is a quote taken from the most comprehensive Amazon review I've seen. I feel grateful that this review was left for my Inbound PR book that dropped in April. 

In addition to the tons of quotes from the Amazon reviews, I've also collated 10 quotes from the book itself. 

You'll find them in this Slidedeck as well as in writing below. 

And if you just want the images, you can grab them from my press kit on Prowly here

10 Quotes About Inbound PR

10 Inbound PR Quotes from Iliyana Stareva
“Inbound PR combines the best of two worlds (public relations and inbound marketing) and alleviates PR's biggest weakness (measurement) and inbound's biggest challenge (content).” CLICK TO TWEET!
“With Inbound PR, PR is taking over a lot of the more traditional marketing activities but that’s only natural and makes perfect sense—PR people excel at content and it is good, quality content that converts unknown visitors into leads. There are no good leads without good content. Nor are there any good relationships without added value.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“The biggest benefit of the Inbound PR model is that you use pull rather than push.” CLICK TO TWEET!


“Inbound PR can help you build brand awareness, generate leads (customer or media), nurture them, close them as customers or publishers, and then delight them to retain them with even better services, stories, and strong relationships.” CLICK TO TWEET
“Inbound PR is about educating people and helping them make decisions.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“Inbound PR is about transforming an outdated agency business model and making it relevant again for the digital future.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“Enter Inbound PR, where content meets measurement and helps PR people show the real return on investment (ROI) of their efforts in the new digital era.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“Inbound PR is about being human-centered with content that is relevant, remarkable, and created for a specific audience and its needs.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“Inbound PR itself arose through content.” CLICK TO TWEET!
“What sets Inbound PR apart from traditional PR is the ability to measure results.” CLICK TO TWEET!
How much do you know about Inbound PR? 
Ready to embrace Inbound PR? Get your Inbound PR book copy now!