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5 Key Ingredients of a Blog Post That You Rarely Think About

Written by Danny Adams | 20-Jun-2017 07:30:00

Guest post by Danny Adams from EssayHelp.

If you are a writer or copywriter who decided to go blogging, you already know by now that being just a writer is not enough. There are a lot of things involved in the industry of blogging. A writing skill alone is not going to make it up there.

That doesn't mean it's hopeless, though. It just means that you need to learn a thing or two to maximize those writing skills. You will have to adapt a little to fit in and to not just be a blogger, but a great blogger.

Years ago, blogging opened the door to anyone to express their thought. Brands also jumped on the bandwagon and a big mistake back then was that they approached blogging like any other piece of written content. That's not what consumers want to read online so bloging for companies needs to also be approached in a different way. 

Some guidelines around what makes up a great post can be a helpful start. 

Let's take a look. 

What Makes a Great Blog Post

1. Focus on the interesting side of a topic

Before you start writing an article for your blog, you will, of course, need to choose a topic. But it doesn't just start there. You need to find an angle that would make that topic interesting. 

If you have spent enough time researching online, you will learn that almost all topics have already been covered or published. So the chance of being the first one to tackle that topic is slim to none.

But you can still be unique and original by focusing on a different angle. Most likely, that angle would be the part you think will be more interesting or more compelling for your audience.

2. Start with what they already know

When you begin writing, your first sentences should be playing their imagination with what they already know so you could establish a connection between you and your audience.

Be bold and playful. Steal their attention and make them think that your article is going to be an interesting one that they just can't miss on.

Often, telling a personal story that they can easily relate to or a questions that gets them to think is a good start to a blog post. 

3. Put some character in your writing

To give you a feel for this, imagine yourself watching an expressionless guy talking about in-depth information on a certain topic. There are no  segue or side comments to give the talk a life or something to smile or feel sad about. The whole show is just dull and lifeless.

That is the main reason why you should put a character in your style of writing. A type of character that will make your audiences feel like they are talking to a friend with a comedic attitude, neighbors with an interesting take on things around you or an expert that they are learning from.

4. Tell them what they don’t know

Telling your readers things that they already know is like a greeting. You will welcome them to your topic. This is the part that will hook them in.

But to make them continue reading, you need to provide them with information that will add to their knowledge. Something that truly interests them.

Consumers today search for and read the articles they find to learn something new or inform themselves about something they don't know. If you don't provide them with a new and valuable information, then what’s the use of your article?

5. Don’t be afraid to jest a little

Do you know how to keep your audiences from drifting off to sleep while they are reading your article? Do you know how to keep them interested with boring information that you provided for them (that's especially the case with some branded content that's just not sexy)?

As the title of this point suggests, jest a little.

Although jesting is not really too informational, the point is that your audience is there for two main reasons: to learn and be entertained. Without any one of them, chances are they won't stay long to reach the end of your article. And if they ever did manage to make it till the end, I am pretty sure that they won't have learned anything new or felt like reading this was worth their time even just to have a good time. 

These five tips are not the only things that make up a great blog post but most people tend to forget them while they are following the standard of writing an article. When blogging, make sure you are not overly serious. Try to let loose a little and your reader will keep coming back for your site.


What else makes up a great blog post?